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the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) privacy law 2018

Fresco Select respects and protects all personal and private data.  All employees of Fresco Select work according to the GDPR 2018. Privacy is a starting point for us and with this explanation we aim to give transparency about our protocol and practice.

Why is personal data stored?

As a specialised  Recruitment & Selection agency we work in a specific work area where it is vital to store data about careers for a longer time, to be able to advise you during your career; but only with your (oral or written) consent. Thus, when you send us your resume, we will keep it to be able to match your profile with vacancies, now and in the future, unless you let us know you want it otherwise. 

Which data do we keep about you?

Resumes will be stored during your career in a safe way according to the GDPR, together with additional data gathered during interviews (such as career history, wishes/ambitions, data about wages and maybe a picture or video).

What do we do with the data?

We use the data to make possible matches for certain vacancies. Data will only be given to a third party – that is a specific employer, for a certain vacancy we will discuss with you clearly – with your express consent. All personal data will be destroyed by the employer after closure of the vacancy. When the employer wants to store the data, they have to ask permission via Fresco Select and this can only be done after your consent. All employers have to follow the GDPR and Fresco Select has contracts with them for that purpose.

For no other purposes will Fresco Select ever give any of your personal data to anyone or any organization.

The online partners / providers of Fresco Select are working as well according to the GDPR as well. 

Right to see, change or delete

You have the right to review the data we have stored about you, after you have provided valid proof of identity.  If you have any questions about this, or want us to destroy all your personal data we have saved, please mail us at info@frescoselect.nl.